Less sucesful thieves. Often found protesting more sucessful one.
Poor: We demand more tax. It's unfair that (Bill Gates, Rockefeller, etc.) doesn't work yet make so much money.
by Teguh November 24, 2003
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poor is a unhealthy person who doesn't have many valuables..
and cant afford new clothes
ex. a guy named frank
who can't afford a game system
who always has to get a discount on something
who gets clothes from his friends
is a poor guy
by gangsta.for .life February 11, 2008
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Juan and T-Loc are poor.
by Spyder Mayhem August 16, 2005
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1. no money

2. lame; retarded; ghey
1. Yo John's so poor .

2. OMGWTFBBQ my comp is being so poor . Frickin lag OMG.
by Partyboy821 May 30, 2006
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To be poor: To lack a certain something, be it money, fame, hope, basic hygine, or a compainion.
Not he who has little, but he who desires much is poor.
by nate dvorak June 5, 2007
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