a condition occuring when you have slept awkwardly and awake to find that a limb is with out feeling. Thus leaving you partly spastic. Especially the morning after a night when you get munted.
"Last night was huge, i woke up with a nasty case of saturday night palsy. I had to cheer myself up by giving myself a stranger."
by marcus_schmarcus June 22, 2006
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The uncontrolled humping of another body while fully clothed. Usually performed by dogs but occasionally by very horny men.
Honey please stop trying to hump me while I'm doing dishes. I think you have genital palsy.
by panchoad December 26, 2012
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Eating too much taco bell after drinking all night, your face becomes paralyzed and lopsided.
What's wrong with Erica, why does she look so fucked up.

She ate like 3 burritos and triple layer nachos after all those Jager shots. She has Taco Bell's Palsy.
by MindGrapes October 28, 2014
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While Palsy is a medical condition leading to unintended movement, Ping Pong Palsy is the embarrassing act of trying to pick up a a ping pong ball and being unable to do so. Causes you to look stupid and usually means your opponent scored. Symptoms worsen with alcohol consumption.
Seth: "Man, Dan is slaughtering James in ping pong."

Andy: "Yeah, and he's been chasing that ball around the floor for an hour. What's wrong with him?"

Seth: "He has a bad case of ping pong palsy. Poor guy."
by Flyn Hawaiin February 28, 2010
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A medical term for a condition in which a man's eyes are locked on to the crotch-area of another man. Specifically this occurs upon auditory stimulation such as with the sound of a zipper.
"Whenever I talk to that guy, he is always looking down at my crotch. " "Yeah, I've noticed it too - he seems to have a meat-gaze palsy."
by victm of gazing May 19, 2010
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When half of your face does not move from taking monster clouds, from uncle Nardo
“Man Nardo is so whack, gave his boy Bell’s palsy refer madness the fuck”
Bells Palsy refer Is from Nardo’s plug
by BigRobfromSolvay January 23, 2022
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1). A neurological disability which ignorant people believe means the same thing as mentally retarded.
While it's true that people with severe cases of CP can have mental retardation, many people with milder cases of CP have average to above average intelligence. Additionally, because many people with mild hemiplegic (one sided) CP have visual/spatial processing and math and/or language learning disabilities, IQ tests are often very inaccurate measures of a child with Hemiplegic CP's intelligence as they typically measure bilateral thinking patterns. People with spastic CP often have one very strong and dominant hemisphere in the undamaged side of the brain, and one weaker brain hemisphere. This results in one side or limb (s) of the body being weaker and lacking in the ability to accomplish fine motor skills. If the right side of the brain is affected, then the left side of the body will be affected, and if the left side of the brain is affected, the right side of the body will be weaker.

Despite having this disability, people with mild Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy often live normal, relatively independent lives. They can learn to drive (a bit slower than the average kid), get a good career, and be happy and successful people.
I used to be angry with God, and cry out to him why I was born with mild Hemiplegic Spastic Cerebral Palsy; why I couldn't be like every other girl my age. Now, I realize that being "normal" often makes people more ignorant and thoughtless. They often take the little things in life for granted and may make fun of those who are different from the norm. Really though, it's those who aren't born perfect that have the most creativity, passion, and determination.
by AliceKettle November 9, 2014
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