Online Display of Emotion

When someone updates their Social Media page with exactly how they're feeling emotionally at that point in time.

Usually reserved for feminine types who want to tell the world of their love, hopes, despair etc. For some, it's an annoying byproduct of social media that you have to put up with. But many people live off it and give a heartfelt comment in reply.
Joe: it's KILLING me not to be able to come see you. literally feel my heart breaking as i type this.

Sarah: Feeling vry lonly, wish my man was here for cuddles (heart).

Jude: Why can't I get everything I want? Life can be so cruel :(

Ken: FML these crowded buses make me angry!!!

Barry: Damn ... I hate reading all these ODE's.
by TMA-1 April 13, 2010
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Short for "Obama Derangement Syndrome", a derogatory term used for the act of critical thinking about Barack Obama. This term is derived from BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome.
"He accused me of having ODS because I asked if Obama had ever accomplished anything!"
by lolbama October 29, 2008
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*Acronym for "overdose".

*Acronym for "Olive-Drab", a green-grey color, used often in the military.

*Acronym for "overdo", "overdone", "overdid".
"OD is the predecessor to camouflage."
by Dave November 3, 2004
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ode i will fight him if he talks shit again
by manipulative December 20, 2018
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Can be a name, most common for a nickname as Ode or Oddington. Usually a girl that is pretty, a little bit self-concious, and will be famous one day. Can be stubborn from time to time, but is the best friend a person can have.
Od is dang hot.
by Chickydoo124 October 31, 2010
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Overdoing, used when someone just does too much.
Friend 1: Aye bruh you want more hot sauce on that?

Friend 2: Nah that’s OD
by Benefactor#1070 November 30, 2019
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the extreme of any situation.

(od'ing, od'ed)
"mike beat the shit out of ralph. he OD'ed"

"that movie had me OD scared"
by misskillasmile October 15, 2008
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