A Taylor spying on the British government who takes they’re measurements, information and then smuggles it.
How did we know that this plan would work? We had a spy on the inside. That's right Hercules Mulligan!
by Digital street chicken December 25, 2019
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“Have you heard of Hot Mulligan?”
Duh, it’s the #1 hot new band.”
by Buttplug_Barney April 21, 2021
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Kyle mulligans are handsome, hilarious, hardworking, and caring creatures. Kyle mulligans are gentle and loveable. They're also messy and air headed at times however these qualities can be forgiven as they're awesome in all other aspects. The most fascinating characteristic about these magnificent creatures is the uncanny ability to chose the most perfect mates.
"What's that magestic thing over there wearing a horse shirt?"
"Oh it's a Kyle Mulligan. Notice the perfect girl in it's presence."
by Webster03 August 15, 2015
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When you go to put your dick in a woman's pussy and miss sticking it in her ass. She doesn't care and gives you another shot to get it in her pussy before cleaning off.
I went to fuck my girlfriend and missed her pussy and sliding in to her ass. She was so horny she let me have a filthy mulligan and take another shot while my dick as still dirty.
by AGrasso1971 August 1, 2016
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When you take a hot dump on the floor of your local music venue.
Tony: Dude I was at SUBT last night and someone pulled a Hot mulligan in the men's room.

Alex: If I ever saw someone doing that I'd put them in the hospital 🤬
by Ultrasadboy July 14, 2018
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A tailor spying on the British government. He takes their measurements, information and then he smuggles it. To his brother's revolutionary covenant he’s running with the Sons of Liberty and he is loving it. See, that's what happens when you up against the ruffians. If you in the shit now, somebody gotta shovel it. Hercules Mulligan, he needs no introduction
When you knock him down he gets the fuck back up again.
Who was a spy during the American Revolutionary War?

Answer: Hercules Mulligan
by PonianYoutube December 21, 2020
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A do-over husband...usually a second husband who is considered a safe choice (i.e. more financially stable, less abusive, and more faithful) than woman's first husband. A Mulligan Man would have never been on the radar screen for the woman in high school/teen years and maybe college years. Only after being married to the exciting, yet less responsible jerk husband and perhaps having his offspring, does the woman want a new supportive provider before she become older and less desirable.
Although, Kevin had always been a nice, considerate, and responsible kind of guy, he avoided dating divorced woman as not to be considered a Mulligan man.

Bonnie, after years with her unfaithful high school sweetheart, decided to find herself a Mulligan man, who could pay the bills, be faithful, and provide for her two kids.
by EricHyde January 31, 2012
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