The kind of "employment opportunities" that offer "room for advancement, competitive wages, and great work experience for people who have the determination to reach their maxiumum potential and become valuable members of society."
Bob: Dude, I heard your an assistant financial analyst for (insert Fortune 500 company here)! That's kick ass.

Jeff:'s a Mc-Job! What the hell is your damage?
by Phred February 23, 2005
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A job that pays low wages. A job where you can barely keep food on the table usually worked at by low class people who can't obtain the skills to get any better.
I work at Mcdonald's full time. I have a mcjob.
by Sal Vitale IV October 30, 2008
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getting a blowjob from a clown
guy 1: dude i just got a mcjob in the alley!

guy 2: shizzle son... is he still there?
by kilby March 25, 2007
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When you Masturbate with any McDonalds or fast food item
Damn that Big Mac is lookin fine, i should swipe a few for a McJob
by Uncle Nivey November 25, 2003
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The only thing losers can get as a job

McDonalds workers
Wow, he made $150 for two weeks with 40 hours per week at his McJob!

I don't have any electricity or water because I'm a McJobber.
by Nitemare November 12, 2003
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Eating a big meaty burger and getting head at the same time. Usually preferred by employees of large scale burger chains who then use empty burger buns to wipe off the 'excess' leading to the 'mayo myth'.
"Oh man, that was a tough shift but at least I got a McJob at the end of it though!"
by D.Hotchkiss April 28, 2009
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