A sex act when someone shoves 2 loonies up your ass or vagina
Jerry: MOMMY I MISSED THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!! Mom: it’s ok son, can I use those loonies for a Tune A Loon?
by PandaJizz42 June 21, 2023
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When a dog's jowls gets caught on its tooth forming a small bubble-like shape.
Child 1: "Awe, man, Look at Sterling's Juby Loon. He looks hilarious!"

Child 2: "Haha! Yeah, my dog gets that too after he yawns or eats."

Child 1: "Stfu."
by Myce February 10, 2011
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Lava Loon is a strategy from the Mobile game Clash Royale. Lava Loon is when you spread out your opponents ass cheeks by using the cards lava hound and balloon. This combo of cards is commonly known as gay rape.
This man is using lava loon. I might as well bend over.
by handledaddy June 26, 2021
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To lose your fuckin mind. Simply put, whooping ass.
This person kept calling my house, asking for someone who wasn't there. I told them the next time they call I'm going to loon out on they asses.
by jabbo_ross June 24, 2009
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A great Canadian euphemism for solo masturbation, or the act of pleasuring someone else.
Jack: What did ya get up to today, bud?
Fred: Oh, yenno! I woke up early, had to boop the loon, throw myself together, smoke a dart and then head off to work!


Jack: So, what did you do with Maggie the other night?
Fred: Well, as the good gent that I am, I spent an hour or so booping her loon, then afterwards we went for a rip to Timmies, grabbed a box of Timbits and we sat down and ate them on the chesterfield watching the hockey game.
by golfdaddy69 March 14, 2019
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One who is seriously crazy or deranged (needs assistance as soon as possible).
Person 1: "Wow that guy is wearing clothes..."
Person 2: "What a crazy loon!"
by Angry Salamander October 19, 2005
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