Most likely an online girl. Very shy but can be nice when you get to know her. People don't really know her well but when you do she is an amazing person to be around.
Hey look at Jessie
by greatkitty2 April 10, 2021
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Me: Hey ! My name is Rebecca! Yes... I have a girlfriend.. her name is Jessie....she is beautiful and if you don't see that... I will snap your fucking neck
by Lgbtq+ boi June 9, 2019
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A legend who gets more girls then me and kenny.
Jessie is a legend
by KingNoc June 29, 2019
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If you meet a Jessie never let her go. She will hurt you, but you will love her abuse. It will make you want more and more. She will be your mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin and demon all in one. She knows how to show you a good time and she will tease you until you're on your knees trembling.
Oh, my god, that girl is such a Jessie.

Jessie ruined me last night... and I loved it!
by puss in boot s December 22, 2017
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A very interesting person whose intelligence is matched by grace. She would be something any man would hope to have in his arms.
"Yes i am lucky enough to have a Jessie of my own."

"Man, wish I had a girl like yours..."

"Maybe someday..."
by ~Anon~ December 16, 2008
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