n: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.

Invented at the University of Iowa by Brian and Andy S. in 2001.
Andy: "Hey Brian, wanna come give me an alaskan pipeline?"

Brian: "You know I can't do that again. Dad will spank us!"

Andy: "Aww shucks Brian, you know how much I love those."

Brian: "I know Andy dear, I know."
by aseay_99 August 4, 2004
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When a woman takes a dump in a condom then places it into the freezer for a later time to pound her snatch with it.
Holly Anne sure loves to do the alasken pipeline on her new web cam.
by stevenpeedonyourface June 6, 2009
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When a male dumps into a condom and then freezes it. then uses it as a dildo on a female.
baby, lets take the elastic pipeline out of the freezer and use it.
by Johnathon Degrace June 19, 2009
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When someone takes a shit inside a condom and puts its in the freezer inorder to use it as a dildo.
"Hey man do you have any dildos?"
"No, I use a Artic Pipeline!"
by jigglypufffuckyeah! June 28, 2009
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This happens when a person shits in a condom then puts it in the freezer to use as a dildo for later.
I don't have any real dildos, so I made an Alaskan Pipeline instead!
by Trickmaster16 November 21, 2012
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The act of shitting inside a comdom, putting it in the freezer for a night and then hitting your friends/enemies with it the following day.
I heard that tyler was so pissed he gave rob a boston pipeline the other day.
by Anonymous111595 April 2, 2010
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