Something that may have seemed superior and was popular, but for reasons either by their own fault or by others, it was replaced. Comes from the battle of the video tape format BETAMAX and VHS in the 80's
Anything SONY touches.

the PS3 going to go beta

ab: You used to be so cool. what happened?
jl: don't know
ab: you're so beta

by AbJl March 17, 2007
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a term black people use (now a lot more other race's use it to) originating from 'better"
tasha: i love you

alenka: yea you beta, lol
by pupgrl1 October 17, 2010
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Beta DSB
by October 14, 2022
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one who is a brother to alpha, but is always more hot tempered. He can also go by the nickname ECS and will always win in a fight
Beta never surrenders, and never loses.
by ECSmale October 8, 2010
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A Chuntarro or just a Stupid Homosexual. Therefore a Stupid Chuntarro Homosexual...who is always the bottom boy.
Person 1:That stupid faggot looks like he recieves it in the asshole.

Person 2: Fuckin' Beta!!(Referring to the Stupid Faggot)
by EtaAlpha August 10, 2006
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Beta is French for Humongous Genetals. The renaissance brought many things to humanity aswell as a word for a big penis. They pronounce it an "o" instead of the "E" in Beta.
I played with my Beta all day , so now I am Le tired.
by Bryan March 27, 2005
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Doing any sort of leg workout when going to the gym.
Justin: I just hit my mad squat i do legs everyday!
me: you’re beta as fuck!
by LEGSAREFORBETAS October 6, 2020
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