Kevin - " I'm mad at you you"
Kayla - " you want some fries with that salt"
by coolcowgab April 18, 2016
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Just go watch the conversation between the two birds on youtube "becky lemme smash" cause ben is a ho
Guy 1. Aye, you want sum fuk
Girl 1. Eeww no thanks, i have a boyfriend
by Pierretjies July 22, 2017
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A phrase used by assholes to make you question what you know.
I've never lied to you, but think what you want.
by Imnotdumb12 February 13, 2017
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Do you want a slap? - Figure of speech, said to emote a feeling of frustration. Similar figures of speech are "Are you on crack?"
1. Used when someone is acting out of control.
2. When someone is not acting themselfs.
1. Why are you burning napkins in a restaurant? Do you want a slap? Whats wrong with you.
2. Thats not like you to steal from your friends mother. Do you want a slap?
by Emma Robertson September 7, 2005
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This is said when someone unintentionally makes a loud noise.
1) *Drops plate*
2) Do you want a hammer?
by ducky1608 March 26, 2007
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A phrase said by millions of fast food resteraunt workers every day.
Customer "i want a cheesburger"
Cashier "do you want fries with that?"
by Christiaan Hendriksen September 11, 2006
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(Sarcastic idiom) When a grunt, that is, someone lower or equal to your standing, loudly expells massive braggadocio about a rudimentary action they have taken and succeeded in (or an action that the party using this idiom wishes to denounce as simple and childish), this phrase is brought out to denounce thier "crowning achievement".
A: I can run a mile in 5 minutes, swim the english channel, run accross africa in six weeks, bench 300 lbs, shoot a squirrels' eye from a half a mile, KO a bull in one punch and...

B: So what? You're a fag, do you want a medal for that too?
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 7, 2004
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