a person. me. but it can also be used to refer to a chick that can cook like nobody's buisness and likes or has thought about pursuing the pussy.

most housewife vagina's have had bad experiences with men, therefore attracted to angelina jolie types and cook to relieve stress.

housewife vagina's also make great loving mothers but are a bit unconventional about it.

i coined that shit though.
because its me nigga.
"why do they call you housewife vagina?"

"because i can make bomb ass brownies."

"what about the vagina part?"

"hey man don't go askin questions just cuz i don't eat the meat."

"so why do you want your baby to have a blue mohawk? and why would you want to paint the white picket fence black?"

"because i'm housewife vagina niggabitch."
by Housewife Vagina February 5, 2010
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Women that would really like to be feminist/hippie/environmental but they can't quite make it. They’re most likely too old, or almost republican. They usually drive their minivans the short distance to pick up healthful organic food for their husbands and children and sometimes take belly dance classes, but they will never dance it an actual show because that’s "scandalous"
anyone with a husband/kids whos a stay at home mom and buys organic food

"jeeze I wish my holistic housewife mom could walk to the store instead of driving and killing the planet"
by THE Katja February 12, 2007
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A woman who finds herself chained to the drudgery of her marital home and who is commonly easy pray to the lecherous advances of any passing lothario builder type who passes her way! She will (in her own mind) fasll head over heels for him when in reality she is just relishing the attention that her middle class professional husband is too tired to give her.
you know that bored housewife I'm working for, I reckon I'm in there.
by adequate-d March 20, 2011
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A sexual position wherein the male takes the female in the kitchen as she is doing the dishes.
While my woman was cleaning up in the kitchen, I became so aroused that I had to bend her over the sink and give her the busy housewife.
by Rydei February 11, 2007
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someone who has been a housewife for many years and they have become fat and unattractive, even if they used to be thin and attractive. They no longer knows what is going on in the outside world so become incredibly self centred and believe that their non existant problems actually matter. So are very boring, ugly and fat. If their husband has any sense, will get a divorce.
guy 1: dude his mum is so not a milf
guy 2: no shes a total stupid housewife
guy 1: guess we will have to find a new house to hang out in!

My wife has become a total stupid housewife, im filing for divorce so i can get a new model!
by aloysha April 27, 2009
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when your girl is on her hands and knees moppin' up the dirty dirty in the kitchen, surprise her with your broomstick and clean out the cobwebs.
My desperate housewife was on her hands and knees so I cleaned out her cobwebs.
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When a person (man or women) decides to spend their life living off of someone else's success instead of making a life for themself.

WARNING: these people are generally good at mental manipulation and might make you feel like you are stuck, but there is always a way.
Friend 1: "Billys got such housewife syndrome, it's like he's happy that he found a way to get by and doesn't even want his own life"
Friend 2: "ya i think I'm having the same problem with my girl, and it's really bringing my life down"
by Nickbb22 May 25, 2018
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