Verb - Doing something incredibly self destructive in order to appease the ego of your narcissistic cult leader, even if it costs your own life.
Mitch McConnell decided not to Herman Cain himself and stayed away from the 2020 Republican National Convention Trump White House Speech that ended up killing 27 people.
by my imagination keels over August 28, 2020
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One who does not believe in the legitimacy of a disease or illness, only to die of it.
Yeah, my Uncle Bob was a huge Trumptard and didn't believe in the risks of COVID 19, only to be Herman Cained a few weeks later. RIP!
by Wack Jab August 12, 2020
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A very skilled pro skater who is known for his clean hardflips.

He mostly skates big stair sets and handrails, but can skate just about anything. He also likes to party with the the homies.
He is sponsored by Emerica, Baker, Altamont and Shake Junt.
Bryan Herman lives and dies by the G-code.
by blazing bongloads August 15, 2010
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A ms herman is a very feminist teacher who nobody likes because shes a bitch
You need to shut up, you are acting like a ms herman
by bobsnop May 18, 2018
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To damage by walking through or into a fixed structure or object. Referenced by one of the openings of "The Munsters" where Herman Munster walks through the front door.
Damn, did you hear about what happened on the dayshift? Robbie was hanging a banner, fell, and went through the wall. He Herman Munstered the wall man!
by Wiggy Boufant October 4, 2005
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Derived from the term "German Helmet" referring to the shape of ones bell end
" aw damn, my herman gelmet is covered in spangle"
by Geoff Bennett October 23, 2005
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