The perfect type of music, that can release ur iner anger, and turn it itno good
Heavy Metal Rules
by JoJo January 1, 2004
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Awesomeass music that destroys emo and pop and rap. what people listen to when thir pissed the fuck off and dont want hurt anybody. really insanly fast. the blast beat of behemoth in slaves shall serve goes 225 bpm. not shitknot not linkin gay not KoRn!!!!!!!!!!!
Poser-lets go listen to some slipknot!
Me-lets listen to some heavy metal!
poser-heavy what?
by schischa October 7, 2007
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Music that described by normies is loud emo music but for people of culture it is a music genre for people who really appreciate the guitar and the levels someone can get there voice too it by far takes someone with a galaxy brain to truly understand.
by Jamie Fernando August 30, 2019
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The best type a musik ever.Nuthing else is evan ne god at all.

Judas Priest,Iron Maiden,Poison,Motley Crue,Cinderella,Winger,Limp Bizkit,Mercyful Fate,Britny Fox,Pink Steel,Anal Cunt,Manowar,Gwar,Kiss,WASP,
Rob Halford.
by 80's muizc fan August 10, 2005
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take the skill of classical, the creativity of jazz, the feel of blues, the intensity of rock....multiply all of that by 100 and its metal
by deepness November 19, 2003
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One guy bangs out power chords on his tuned down guitar while the other who's an awesome lead player does a wicked awesome guitar solo while any old monkey bangs on the drums and a special kind of asshole screams the stupidest shit you've ever head in your life!

A typical metal singer sounds like this:

Picture puking your guts out in the toilet while being raped in the ass with a crowbar or two-by-four or some other painfully blunt instrument.
THAT my friends is heavy metal.
by OMG RAWR<LOL May 8, 2005
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Heavy Metal is by far a better form of music than anything going today. Although some of today's "nu metal" bands have a bit of talent, none compare to metal gods of years past such as Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Slayer, Pantera, Metallica (as in pre 1990's Selloutica), and even Alice in Chains on Facelift. This was angry music with a purpose, not just angry for the sake of selling records.
If you want an example of good heavy metal music, listen to some Iron Maiden or Motorhead, fuck this Korn and Slipknot crybaby shit.
by Troy August 27, 2003
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