noun; someone who fantastically handles everything with a little more whip than everyone else.
Abby is a whiptastic handler. Did you see her with boyfriend?
by whiptastic_handler December 9, 2007
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The person in charge of the removal and disposal of a condom for a friend while said friend is in the process of intercourse. Baloon handling is often used in the instances of a "Hot gun" or "stealthing".
"Were you really matts balloon handler last weekend, Adam?"
"Sure was, ask Beth Davis. She witnessed it".
by Burritoslayer69 May 31, 2017
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Someone who cannot resist the urge handle the male sexual organs.
Get you hands out of my pants, you man-handler.
by Chris Dixon September 21, 2003
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Ben got a job at the San Francisco airport as a "Baggage Handler" & won employee of the year for never losing anyones skin baggage
by Doyle March 8, 2004
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one who handles to many cocks either gay men or a whore
hey dude i was so drunk i got with a cock handler.

i think the guy drinking the martini is a cockhandler
by Trey/AAron December 4, 2008
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My Squad; i.e. drug dealers, hustlers, and any one one their grind.
You sell dimes? I didn't know you was a Pan Handler.
by Hakim Lewis June 8, 2005
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Someone who plays with there testicles all day, like a baggage handler would handle bags all day.
A:fuk look at that bloke hes bin playin with his nuts all day
B: Yeh hes a fukin baggage handler
by raymond alborado September 19, 2006
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