Lambo- Hey girl, you are super times can I holla at you?

Co Co Pipes- I'm sorry I have a boyfriend.

Lambo- Oh, I have a goldfish.

Co Co Pipes - what?

Lambo - Oh I thought we were on the subject of things that dont matter.
by Co Co Pipes September 29, 2010
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One who grows to fit their container
Like if you move into a new house, and you buy crap to fill all the rooms -- you're a goldfish. Totally.
by goldfish_enthusiast July 13, 2011
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A spontaneous erection of the male penis, usually the result of something completely non-sequitur, such as thinking about goldfish.
So I was at the downtown aquarium and all of a sudden I popped a goldfish. Mom kept looking at me funny.
by Zee January 24, 2005
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When a man masturbates, ejaculates skyward, and then attempts to catch his own airborne gob of semen in his mouth. This act is known as goldfishing for the manner in which a goldfish patiently awaits his feeding while swimming vertically, mouth ajar. Men who goldfish tend to be unpleasant, lonely, and simple human beings.
Man 1: Look at that hipster asshole slumped over drinking alone in the corner.

Man 2: Yeah, he definitely spends hours goldfishing.
by fishspotter January 16, 2012
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The greatest man made food(well it's machine made but whatever) that ever journyed to this world. they are made of love and pussyjuice(this makes them taste extra good)
goldfish are cheese and flavor blasted crackers.
by john habostada June 12, 2008
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To goldfish is to not know when hungry or full, just eats when food is accessible until one is sick or vomits.

Like when feeding goldfish you can kill them by over feeding since goldfish does not when when it is full.
*Example 1*
Bob:"Can she really eat all 7 burgers?"
Ken:"She's probably going to goldfish"

*Example 2*
Bob:"Stop goldfishing! That's your 7th burger!"
Jen:"But it's sooooo good!"
... 5 min later ...
Jen:"You're right, I goldfished... I feel sick..." *vomits*
by lemongrab February 27, 2014
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