insult for a person not of average height
god brad your such a fucking gnome it sickens me
by daniel the beaner March 20, 2007
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I am a Gnome,

Gnomes are known for their heavy use of pot.

They also steal your lawn ornaments.

They love to be random, so eat them, than get high.
Joe Choe is a real Gnome, he owns you! Smoke a blunt and think of me!
by ChoeJoe June 29, 2004
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a Justin....a small kid who goes to PV and has a big attitude...this ones for u man
look theres gnome!
by muahaha92 March 18, 2009
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elemantal spirit of earth. Associated with all kinds of rocks, stones, earth, etc.
by Jay December 2, 2004
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I WM for linux, imho i think it is the best, because of its scalability, usefullity, very nice, and good. So I highly recommend Linux users to run Gnome as their primary WM.
-Which wordWMword do you run?
-I run Gnome!
by Hocce July 22, 2003
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its the replacement word for the weird silence between two people
by mr fat dick gumbrecht June 20, 2003
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A angry little gnome who experiences gnome rage as a consequence of constant P.M.S
"Hes about to gnome rage"
by squiddy_121 November 14, 2003
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