For geeks, shorthand for GeForce, in reference to the NVIDIA GeForce line of video cards
by Paul April 18, 2004
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Player_One: OMFG gf you n00b h4x0r!
Player_Two: Sif I h4x!
by Owen June 18, 2004
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short for Guardian Force, a summoned creature that can be "compatible" and used for junctioning magic and skills
Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Tonberry, Eden, Bahamut, Diablos, etc..

"With the GF, I junctioned 100 Ultima spells to my attack. Prepared to be pwn3d!"
by Shroudie April 12, 2004
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Simply a girl that's your friend, nothing more.
by LilMeatBeater July 21, 2019
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Garrison Forest School. Renown Private All-Girls School in Maryland. Starting at 3 year olds and going up to 12th grade. College Prep School
Public School Kid:Oh you went to GFS? So does that mean you're a dyke?

Garrison Girl: No, it means that I'm smarter and have more money than you!
by Honery1 February 25, 2009
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Person 1: I'm sad.
Person 2: You know what you need? A GF (good fuck).

Also: That Dan, hes such a GF.
by BDT November 24, 2004
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