The greatest insult of all time.
But you always have to make sure that whoever you say it to, doesn’t actually have a gay mom lol.
Dora: you’re so mean I hate you so much, I hope your feet get fungi.
Boots: ya mom gay lol
by 69poo69on69ya69mom69 November 23, 2019
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The most insulting insult ever Will instantly kill anyone that you use it on. There will to live will be destroyed.
Shaquandeese: u ugly ass little bitch
Tyrone: your mom gay lol
Shaquandeese: *gets anal cancer and dies then gets raped by 300 Nigerian immigrants*
by @Supreme.testicles February 22, 2018
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Ur mum gay lol is the worst this insult you can ever say the person will have to move planets if you ever pull this insult of correctly
by Memerlol March 9, 2020
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This is a phrase that one must use given the situation that they have nothing better to say. It can be used out of randomness or used to save a conversation in an instant. If you are told this you should take no offense to this statement for the speaker is just trying to spice up the conversation.
*During passing period*
Kid1: Hey what’s good Mikey?
Kid2: Your Mom gay lol
*Kid2 shuffles away in an avian like fashion*
Kid1: me too
by Fesho November 9, 2017
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possibly one of the worst comebacks possible. Often used by fortnite players
fortnite player: wanna play fortnite
me: nah thats gay shit
fortnite player: ur mom gay lol
me: no u

fortnite kid: *disappears*
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Its the best insult to a person. It kills them imidiatly or take there will to live.
Shut up your mom is gay lol!!!
by I love gay moms February 16, 2018
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