that fungus face over there has more hair round his chops than Santa

beard hairy face stubble face growthunshavenwhiskers
by notquitepatrick September 5, 2015
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A disease that is caught after one spends an entire day playing video games.
Johnathan: " I miss Jacob."
Jimmy: "What happened to him?"

Jonathan: "He caught gaming fungus."
by weeb2324 January 4, 2021
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The crust that develops around the anus from not wiping correctly.
When billy mooned us, everyone laughed at all the booty fungus he had.
by joey gallinal October 19, 2007
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A person who is toxic and a despicable human being near a group of people.
There is a fungus amungus. Hurry let's get away from it.
by Lochad November 19, 2019
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A fungus that is positively bustling.
"dude, do you see that Bustling Fungus over there?"
"oh yeah dude, that thing's totally Bustling!"
by TheCumSwapKing September 9, 2023
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Taking lsd and mushrooms at the same time
Homie 1: yo I was so fucked up fungus dripping last night.

Homie 2 : I told you bro that shrooms n acid was a killer combo
by marshwallow March 22, 2018
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