flatty paddy day is when all flat people get to show off their flatness and no one can say their flat
August 11 is flatty paddy day
by bdjdbdvdjdk October 17, 2019
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Flatty McFlat is used to talk about a girl that has no ass or no boobs or sometimes both.
OMFG shes such a Flatty McFlat!!!!!!!
by yeetusMcfeetius April 30, 2019
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Flattie - a breast cancer survivor who has had one or both breasts removed and chose to be flat. Aesthetic flat closure may also be done after removal of a breast implant that was used to restore breast shape. During an aesthetic flat closure, extra skin, fat, and other tissue in the breast area are removed. The remaining tissue is then tightened and smoothed out so that the chest wall appears flat.
This breast cancer warrior is a Flattie.
by KFlattie September 21, 2023
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A breast cancer survivor that is FLAT after a mastectomy. It can be a double or single mastectomy, a survivor or previvor.

It can be because they chose not to get implants immediately or because they had to have their implants removed for one reason or another. An example of why they had them removed, they made them sick.
A friend just got diagnosed with breast cancer and said she wasn’t getting implants. I told her she would have to come with me to a Flatties meet up.
by Lsears February 10, 2022
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Someone who doesn’t have a butt
They have a flat butt
Yo did u see that girl over there! Man she is such a flatty
by Notokay May 1, 2021
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Term used for the flat shaped chicken wings in a basket of wings. Counter part to the drumstick wing which is also known as a "drummy".
Dude, are you going to eat that flatty or can I?
by Louis Clark May 11, 2011
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Epstein:Yo I finna abduct some flattys

Biden:Dope can I buy a flatty off you?
by Fart Drinker 42 May 13, 2022
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