1. a saying used when someone does something extremely dumb
2. an exclamation when used as "Ed on my face"
3. calling someone an Ed is a negative term, like calling someone a douche

1. "Wow he just drove his car into the wall"
"NO ED!"

2. "Ed ON My FACE! I just fking tripped."

3. "Wow those kids hang out at the playground and their like 15"
"What Eds"
by An Ed January 13, 2007
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Extra Dimensional Entity, extradimensional entity, extra-dimensional entity
I was typing the definition of "EDE" when suddenly I saw a small, black spider crawling up the bedroom wall! It's gotta be an EDE because when I looked up a few seconds later, it was gone!
by flynnspaws April 20, 2012
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An attractive man with an abnormally large chest
That guy in the gym was such an Eded
by leis June 25, 2010
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A great show about a lawyer who moves back into his hometown and runs his law firm in a bowling alley that he bought. While back in town, he decides to approach his old high school crush. This show was completely original and had a great plot in every episode. It was one hilarious show with quarky characters and of course, awesome Tom Cavanagh as Ed Stevens in the show. The show got cancelled after 4 great seasons. I'll never forget this brilliant show. You can watch reruns on TBS at noons (as of right now).
Ed Stevens: I am a lawyer, I own a bowling alley. Two separate things.
Ed Stevens: The fact of the matter is you can't live without me.
Carol Vessey: What?
Ed Stevens: That's right you could move away to Guam, Borneo, Harrisberg Pennsylvania, god knows where, the truth is you'll be making a beeline right back to Stuckeyville. You know why?
Carol shakes her head
Ed Stevens: Capital "E" lower case "d"!
At Stuckeybowl
Mike Burton: Ten bucks if you yell "I love kitties" at the top of your lungs.
everyone stares
Mike Burton: Who would win in a fight - a big, strong guy or an invisible fat guy?
Mike Burton: Can't talk. Eating fried pie. Experiencing nirvana.
by beattie April 18, 2005
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to add onto a word for no apparent reason
loved: loveded
humped: humpeded
sexed: sexeded
by Daniela March 20, 2003
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The action of @ mentioning someone on twitter -past tense-.
LOL, I just @-ed P!nk and she replied!!!!
by aidenpurple March 19, 2011
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One who is a complete and utter fuckwit. Also used to describe someone who is completely socially inept. An Ed, whilst not being completely stupid, has ignorant and nonsensical views and opinions.

A bragger; although Ed's generally bragg about events that happened in their mind are stupid or (as is commonly the case) not worth bragging about because it really isn't that great.

Ed's also enjoy being other people's bitches, this is due to the fact that because they're such an Ed people get quite embarrased being in puclic with them.

In general Ed's are extremely lame but have great entertainment value.

Girl: Hey!
Ed: Hey! OMFG, I like totally haven't shaven in three whole days! I've got a fricken beard now!
Girl: (Notices a minimal ammount of facial hair). You've been growing that for a few months haven't you?
Ed: (Awkward laugh). Nooo...
Girl: (To self) He is such an Ed...
by Halo_Slutana September 11, 2008
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