This is slang for 'Thanks'
Person1: "Yo pass the salad!"

Person2: "O.k here you are."

Person1: "Dinky"
by maverick88 January 22, 2005
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When a headshot is obtained in Call of Duty, a sound like "dink" is made. A dinky is what it is most commonly referred to as.
Yo you seen that double dinky in the match highlight! Dink dink!
by Merriam Webster * March 4, 2018
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Poop. Can be used as both a noun and a verb.
Noun: Before we left for the store, Spencer said he had to make a dinkie.

Verb: Graham said he had to dinkie as soon as he woke up.
by cajunscancook October 14, 2018
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A term used in basketball.

It refers to someone who takes a shot while playing basketball from no further than 5 feet from the rim.

This term will mainly be used negatively when someone misses a 5 foot shot or closer.

This term can not be used to decribe a missed - Slam Dunk or Lay up, only an actual shot.
"You had a wide open shot under the rim and you missed that Dinky."

"I can't make any shot, i even miss the dinky's."
by thehype May 6, 2010
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ill, aching, especially belly. Usually after too many hooches.
- "I've got a dinky tummy"
- "It's not that little. You look like you're carrying a spare tyre"
- "No, I mean I'm ill"
by ferosz November 13, 2009
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Nickname for the shuttle train, operated by New Jersey Transit, that runs between Princeton and Princeton Junction. Also known as the PJ & B (Princeton Junction and Back)
Service on the dinky will resume with the 3:16 departure from Princeton and the 3:30 departure from Princeton Junction.
by NJCommuter July 23, 2012
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