when u take a shit and dont wipe good enough
Person 1: dude rick my ass itches

Person 2: o dude y

Person 1: i just took a huge shit after eating taco bell and i dont think i wiped all the liquid shit out of my ass. must be wiping deficiancy
by ha dude itts jackk July 5, 2006
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A term used on Twitter, roughly translating to: "I'm white, but I don't want to *sound* white."

Though Melanin Deficiency is a condition for Albinism, (Albino People), White girls uses it as a secretive way of saying that they're white.
Person A: Alyssa claims that she's Melanin Deficient, but she's actually just white.

Alyssa: My African American colleagues, as a Melanin Deficient human being, I am sorry on behalf of white people.
by Inong May 22, 2021
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Also known as HDS, hoodrat deficiency syndrome is a serious ailment resulting from a lack of easy hoodrat poon so far in one's life. Often found in individuals recovering from a recent bout of virginitis.

HDS can lead to reduced self-confidence, fear of girls, and repetitive stress injuries in the wrists.

Usually cured by slaying 30-40 hoodrats.

"Man, why is Max such a pussy around girls?"
"Oh dude. He's got hoodrat deficiency syndrome."

"Thanks urban dictionary! Now I know I have HDS!"
"Word son, now go romp on a bunch of uggos till you realize bitches ain't nothing but hos and tricks.
by Dr_Steve February 9, 2009
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Sarcasm perceptivity deficiency is a socially crippling disorder which renders the sufferer oblivious to sarcasm and leads him to treat sarcastic remarks as if they were sincere.
An interaction with one who suffers from sarcasm perceptivity deficiency might go something like this:

Omar: Hey, let's have an in-depth discussion on existentialism and the significance of man!
Katherine: Gee that sounds reallly fun
Omar: Excellent, so Søren Kierkegaard...
by ladybugbunny February 15, 2010
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REALITY DEFICIENCY SYNDROM, or R D S. A term used for someone who "just doesn't get it." Failing to accept the truth. Someone who lives in a fantasy world and cannot accept reality.
Julie just can't accept the fact that Dave dumped her for Mary. She still thinks he loves her deep down inside. Apparently, she is suffering from an acute case of REALITY DEFICIENCY SYNDROME or R D S.
by TIMJB1 May 3, 2007
A common condition in which one does dot have enough caffeine in their system to operate normally. Symptoms include drowsiness, staring at walls, and an inability to tolerate other people, often accompanied by a headache. The only known cure is more caffeine.
George- "What's up with Steve today? He was staring at the wall, and the second I tried to talk to him, he freaked out and told me to go away!"

Tom- "I'm afraid he's got Caffeine Deficiency Syndrome. I'll go grab him a coffee."
by Under-Caffeinated June 24, 2011
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someone or something having little or no swagg a lame or a person with no style.
tyler: hey! you see that girl lacie over there.

chuck: yea i would get with her

tyler: no dude she is swag deficient!
by tnorris591(1993) February 10, 2012
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