Cool bean refers to someone or something that is interest you.
by Daecious November 1, 2021
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Only used by the coolest of cool kids. "cool beans" means something was TOTALLY EPIC.
human 1:my mom and dad fucked my hamster
human 2:cool beans
by WhoAteMyBeans October 16, 2018
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something that is SO cool it is completely awesome!
Your shirt looks cool beans!
by KWEENISCOOLBEANS January 31, 2019
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The term "Cool Beans" was first used in the year 1987.

It was first invented when a high school student working at Taco Bell said to her friends "Cool Beans" instead of saying "Cool". She thought of this term because she was making burritos everyday, and she was handling beans on a daily basis.
I went to the movies with Mike last night.
Cool Beans!!

I bought a new dress.
Cool Beans!!
by Landon007 November 21, 2012
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A word that was originally used it pop culture, now used by people who think they're random. They feel the need to take words out of the 60s, when them themselves arel istening to emo bands.
George: cool beans!
me: Shut up.
by Guybrushthegreat September 1, 2005
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A cooler way to say 'cool'. Why beans? Well you have Chili Beans, which sounds like Chilly Beans, which literally would be Cold Beans... Viola: Cool Beans.
You scored front row tickets to the concert? Cool beans!
by C'O'P'E May 23, 2010
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when something, person, place or thing. maybe the moment of time is just beyond the greatest. radical. off the heezy yo.

related to the familiar word cool. But above and beyond the meaning as if you were to times the word by 789 to the infinite.

use this word in any senario...
person1: I just shaved my cat all over and then I made a mayonaise sandwich for my mother.

person2: oh snap! how rad was that?!

person1: It was hella cool beans!

ex. 2

F - aw heyel no, you di'ent just call be a south arabian albotross. nu uh uh you did not. *snap*

M - oh no no no, i aint gettin up in yo grill. you must of heard me wrong. i said we cool beans

F- aww yeuuhh. we cool, we cool. infact we cool beans.

M- sounds cool beans to me ;)
by tacmas July 24, 2009
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