A contraction for the career or position of "Community Organizer."

Obama's coming to the political scene in the U.S.A. made much of the world aware of this unusual "occupation."

If being a Community Organizer is such an "important" career, then it deserves a contraction or antonym like nearly all other important careers have.
The current American President Barack Obama's previous career experience was primarily as a CommuNizer.
by RTHTGakaRoland October 27, 2010
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An economic systen the claims to support workers, yet oddly enough all the workers seem to get shot or starve under the system. Usually advocated by people who don't actually live in Communist countries and have never taken an economic class before. Despite the fact that there are communist countries in the world,they don't bother moving to one.
He was shot because he didn't let the communists "redstribute" his land so they could let the people "share" it.
by SomeoneElsePW May 30, 2005
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Communism sucks. A lot. Take a look at North Korea, and how they're starving due to a mix of communism and dictator ship.
by Lenovo_Candle January 28, 2018
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Something dumb 14 year olds think is da shit, even though it’s failed everywhere it’s been introduced. It littleraly is one of the dumbest ideas ever. You could go to law school and be the best lawyer ever, and a lowly cashier would make the same amount of money as you. Also, it fails because the government becomes greedy and that’s something that will never stop in the government
“I’m so glad communism’s been introduced!”
1 year later....
“Someone shoot me, please!”
by Rabbit breast November 27, 2018
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Needs Less Stalin, needs less greed for it to work properly.

Also means communal ownership of everything.
Damnit, I feel like I could sure use some Communism right now.
by Templar895 October 9, 2005
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Another word for tuning because tuning is cringe af. The stage before dating someone.
"OMG Josh and I are communing!"
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