the realization that your mother's many years of acquired knowlege may be useful to you, after all.
In a moment of mama-cognition, Mary phoned her mother to ask how much lasagna to make for the dinner party.
by 3 card Monty June 3, 2009
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1. a state of extreme mental exhaustion because of excessive content absorption or mind-numbing work
2. the state of your current brain power for any particular task or event
I have definitely hit my cognitive load on learning this new spreadsheet process. Time for drunk slushies!
by Golden Rules August 3, 2015
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Cognitive Numerolinguistics: This name combines "cognitive," emphasizing the involvement of cognitive processes and language understanding, with "numerolinguistics," highlighting the integration of numerical and linguistic representations. It reflects the interdisciplinary nature of this branch, bridging mathematics, linguistics, and cognitive science.
Cognitive Numerolinguistics explores the intricate relationship between numbers, symbols, and words, enabling formulas like π + x = 'circle's circumference' + 'radius' to be understood both mathematically and linguistically."
"Researchers in Cognitive Numerolinguistics aim to develop algorithms that facilitate the direct translation of mathematical expressions into linguistic representations, as exemplified by the formula sin(45°) = 'half of square root of 2'."
"The interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Numerolinguistics investigates how word-symbolic representations can be integrated into formulas, such as n^2 + 'square' = 100, allowing for a seamless fusion of symbolic, numerical, and linguistic elements."
by FLAATFLAAT July 3, 2023
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An example of somebody displaying cognitively dissonant behaviour would be a situation where the persons views, values, beliefs etc are contradicted or opposed by one or other persons causing them mental (psychological) stress. At this point a state of cognition is triggered effectively causing them to refute, reject &/or miss-perceive the contradictory views, values or beliefs.

It is also used by assholes on the internet who try to sound smarter then they really are, without actually knowing what it means.
"smoking will most likely cause you to have cancer you know?"

"hmmm I'm not so sure I know people who have smoked all their lives and they're fine, plus I enjoy it anyway.." this is cognitive dissonance
by Cakeboy327 December 6, 2020
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Cognitive Entrapment (n.)

The mental state in which a person becomes overly committed to a particular perspective or ideological framework, such as the "red pill, blue pill" rhetoric, thereby reducing their ability to perceive or consider the complexity of an issue at hand.

Synonyms: Ideological lock-in, belief perseverance, intellectual tunnel vision.

Antonyms: Intellectual agility, cognitive flexibility, open-mindedness.
The "red pill, blue pill" analogy risked leading to cognitive entrapment, simplifying nuanced debates into a binary choice and obstructing meaningful dialogue.
by Kewk September 18, 2023
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an instance in which our minds trick us into believing a falsehood, or something that is not true.
girl 1: i dont want to go to the party! everyone will laugh at my dress.
girl 2: you don't know that! you're jumping to conclusions; and that's a cognitive distortion.
by crestfallendays July 31, 2018
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what my ADHD brain is experiencing (economically) due to a national adderral shortage
On top of trying to be productive during inflation times I’m in cognitive deficit now bc of the adderral shortage. So if you see some emails that are straight up unintelligible know that I am probably not medicated
by greentrashcan April 13, 2023
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