A person who only aims for the butthole; and is insanely accurate. A one-shot, one-kill type deal.

Can also describe a fart gone terribly wrong, in which a nug of shit accompanies the gas expulsion.
"Look at that fag on the unicycle!"

"Yeah shroder, what a little chili sniper."
by Brosephhhhh April 1, 2010
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Occurs after a magical combination of a hearty, filling meal of chili and an evening of challenging oral sex (involving deep-throating or, in more colloquial terms, "throat fucking"). The rigor of said oral sex causes the giver to lose control of their gag reflex, thereby vomiting profusely on the member of the receiver of said blow-job. The unfortunate receiver completes the ritual by inserting his "chili dog" between the inviting buns of his nauseous partner.
"Dolores and I had a wonderful evening last night! We started with an expensive bottle of wine, devoured some medium rare beef fillets, and finished with a satisfying chili job to round out the evening."
by Mike D Who? May 19, 2010
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What happens when you drink chili from a bowl and you get it on the corners of your mouth.
Ex. Did you see Phi at the bar? She ate an entire bowl of chili without a spoon and earned her chili wings.
by rougher12 February 7, 2011
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n. a pimp who is shivering because he only has one hoe in his stable.

This dude in the mall claimed he was pimping was big time, but he ain't nothing but a chili pimp.
by brookzbadazz April 22, 2009
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The act of paying a midget to dress up as an Oompa Loopma. From there, you have the midget eat three and a half bowls of chili. When digested, the midget will take a dump on your chest so you can get high off the aroma.
Guy 1: Dude, I've always wanted to try a Chili Wonka, but I don't know any midgets.

Guy 2: Don't worry, man! My neighbor is a midget. I'll set you up.
by Dankerman January 7, 2013
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This is synonymous with testicular body odor. Chili describes the odor emanating from sweaty male testes. The degree of "chili-ness" will vary depending on
(1) the size of the balls,
(2) the level of sweat accumulating around the balls,
(3) amount of pubes growing from the vulnerable region, and
(4) the diet of the host.

It is important to note that women do not like chili balls. Before a date, a male should always do a "chili-check". Simply use your fingers to swipe under your balls and give it a quick whiff. If the smell screams Hormel, wash your nuts if you plan on getting any.
"That guy had major chili balls"

by Sara U. October 14, 2007
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The result of releasing diarrhea in the pants.
I thought I just had to fart, but instead I served up some trouser chili
by Joey Jo-jo Jr. Shabadu September 27, 2003
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