(Ex.1) "John, your new kicks are so chewy"

(Ex.2) "I was going to buy that shirt, but it wasn't really chewy anymore".
by curlykid October 5, 2011
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The act of being eBay and chewable. Often associated with having a chode, shaking people's hands without ever touching them, and repeating phrases over and over again. These men are also known for having hot sisters.
Chewy Chewy Chewballs!
Hey Mr. Chew, how are you today?
by hello friend February 25, 2004
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Someone of lesser intelligence and slower mind set that can't really grasp the day to day concepts of everyday life. Someone who is effin retarded.
This fucking guy in the helmet over here licking the bus window is fuckin chewy.
by brentlyexperience August 31, 2008
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The coolest nickname ever if it fits to your original name. Not many nicknames surpass it.
by Mike-a-dilion August 25, 2005
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1. The diminutive nick name for Chewbacca.

2. Australian slang for Chewing Gum.
1. "Arghhhh!"
"Shut up Chewie!"

2. "Got any Chewie left?"

"No, scam it off someone else loser"
by Istoleyourlunchbox December 9, 2009
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a derogitory term for a mexican
by Anonymous August 21, 2003
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