Can I bum a chank?

Let's have a chank!
by Jeffadee November 16, 2007
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an asian-american male, who wears wife beaters and timberlands and walks everywhere to the song "move bitch."
also, he finds women to be a nuisance. they are just playthings.
David: "Shut up chank! Look at my wifebeater and tims."
Nick: "Damn I wish i was a turbo chank like you."
by pack 26 December 1, 2009
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Useful for after pre-drinks and before a night out. A tactical chank is both a tactical chunder and a tactical wank. Kill two birds with one stone. It can also be described as chanking as no one likes to soley throw up...
"With the thought of losing his virginity, Craig had a tactical chank to increase his chances of getting lucky..."
by dannyd6 February 28, 2012
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Intensely blazed / toked / stoned / high / that your eyes are as slinky and chinky as a chank can be.
MJ: yo, how the budda treatin ya
Kushman: Damn yo, I am mad CHANKED OUT son!
by master unity mind August 4, 2010
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dirty asain that smoke's up all you weed and falls asleep afterward a derivative of sleepy chink syndrome (scs) which means to be a sleepy ass asian in the company of friends
Look at that dirty chank sleep I'm going to put my cock in his mouth. the dirty chank is here again dude what the hell all he is good for is being a room decoration,i am saying if the world was in great peril and needed someone to sleep to save the world he is the dirty chank for the job.
by Smelted poo December 21, 2008
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