The phenomenon that occurs with your cell phone when you hear it ring or feel it vibrates right before you receive a call.
Mike: "Holy hell!"

Pete: "What?"

Mike: "I felt my phone go off, then I got a call. It's like I have extra cellular perception!"
by Randy 440 January 29, 2008
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Put a cell phone on vibrate and stick it in a women's pussy. Then call the phone and start fingering her ass with your hand in the shape of a phone (with your thumb and pinky pointing outward while your middle three fingers are closed).
I heard Betty had to buy a new phone because Franky gave her one helluva cellular ass fuck.
by Eric Pazzo September 22, 2007
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It means to call someone on their cell phone.
Jillian's away message read "cellularize me" so I called her cell phone.
by jillibean8471 July 13, 2006
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An excuse given to parents for teenage laziness.
"Laila! Get up out of bed! You're so lazy!!!"
"I'm busy on a cellular level." (<- mumbled into pillow)
by Lailacm June 22, 2008
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The act of making a Chickenhead chew all the grass in your lawn to equal length as an alternative to actually mowing it yourself. Usually some incentive is needed, hence the Stomp.
Liv Tyler: Dad, what's that girl doing outside?
Steven Tyler: The mower's broken.
Liv Tyler: So...?
Steven Tyler: I pulled a little Cellular Goat Stomp, so we don't really need it, haha!
Liv Tyler: I have no father.
by SadCoincidence September 29, 2006
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The act of making a Chickenhead chew all the grass in your lawn to equal length as an alternative to actually mowing it yourself. Usually some incentive is needed, hence the Stomp.
Liv Tyler: Dad, what's that girl doing outside?
Steven Tyler: The mower's broken.
Liv Tyler: So...?
Steven Tyler: I pulled a little Cellular Goat Stomp, so we don't really need it, haha!
Liv Tyler: I have no father.
by SadCoincidence September 17, 2006
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