The personification of ugly: Just some annoying bread head who is as Gay as a three dollar bill and thinks that he's always right.
A: Look at that Bruno over there!
B:you mean that ugly Kid that sucks at Skateboarding?
by Ficknudel November 22, 2021
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A person who is arrogant and is in love with his computer so much, that he thinks his computer loves him back!
Dude, stop staring at your computer... you're turning into a Bruno!
by Diety CZ February 3, 2010
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a Bruno is a dumb voice in your head telling you not to do things
by the tortilla boy July 6, 2021
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The ultimate pen merchant. If your friend scores 98 % penalties , he can be a bruno as well. Brunos are gays . Brunos never win trophies . Brunos dive and scream "aaaaahahhhhhhhh". Bruno can never be as good as kdbs. Brunos are just penalties. Penchester united will suffer for their sins.
He brunod his buttocks
by Zzinedine098765 May 29, 2021
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That little voice inside your head that says you can't do or achieve anything and tells you to give up.
Luca: I can't do it!
Alberto: Hey- I know your problem! You've got a Bruno™ in your head. You gotta shut him up: say, Silenzio, Bruno!
Luca: ...Silenzio, Bruno.
Alberto: Louder! Silenzio Bruno!
by Manaddict bandersnatch July 13, 2021
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In Texas Hold 'Em poker, the 2-card hand of 8-2, not suited.

Almost as bad as the worst hand in THE, 7-2 offsuit, you have to be a Bruno to play this hand.

If suited, it's called the Ultra Bruno.
He was chipdrunk so i went runner-runner all-in with The Bruno to make 8's full of deuces, rivering his pocket aces.
by Hughe Jass August 9, 2007
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