A term describing an individual who rigourously supports an elitist system masquerading as a government/organisation that supports a democratic society with values that are just.
The person is known as a 'Brown Nose' for obvious reasons in that he is by far the most vocal supporter of this hypocritical group. Often adopting himself as a mouthpiece for that organisation.
The term 'Bigland' however, comes from more historical times during the division of property ownership. The person showing the most loyalty to the crown or local landlord was given the first choice of what land he got. Often this land would be the most fertile and the biggest patch available - hence they became a 'Big-Land' owner which through the passage of time and supposedly due to local dialects because pronounced 'bigland'.
In contemporary examples, Bigland Brown Noses become so well acquainted with those in power, they can afford to adopt a smug and often pompous attitude because they know there is little chance of them falling from grace whilst those they support have power.
In todays society the most obvious place for a Bigland Brown Nose is national government. A government that, for example, stands for equality throughout the nation, yet adopts a blatant elitist attitude that could even go so far as to be described as a proletariat would make great use of a Bigland Brown Nose who would fend off criticism - often with prepared answers that simply sidestep the issue and aim at discrediting and belittling critics often enjoying the use of official discourse in doing so.
by A. G. Grieved October 8, 2006
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When a man stuffs a rodent into a woman’s anus and then tries to dig it out with his mouth like a fox
“Do you want to do a Brown nosed fox?”
Hell no
by Canadian_fox March 16, 2023
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When you fuck a girl, then when she falls asleep, you pull your pants down and start to take a shit on her face, then she wakes up and sits up right into the shit, covering her nose.
Man, that illinois brown nose, i gave to that girl yesterday was soooooo amazing.
by Knic February 25, 2010
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The ridiculously large group of "Yes People" who follow the "Big Wig" around whenever your place-of-work gets a visit from corporate.
Watch out, the COO is coming this way and they're bringing the whole Brown Nose Brigade with them.
by TrueArch September 28, 2021
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when a certain task is designed to look good for someone else, invariably a boss and you want extra points
look at mr suckup doing a brown nose job for the boss
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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(n.)- A name used to describe a man's penis after anal sex, because the tip of the penis is covered in feces.
Damn, the brown-nosed willie Jennifer gave me last night smells!
by Max Bluntoff April 9, 2006
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When you sit on someone's face, with their nose in your butt crack
Pat was the first to pass out at the party. So Tom pulled down his pants and gave him "A Kevin brown nose"
by Whkdikvdy359637bdhj July 15, 2022
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