An actress that is hated by a vocal minority on the internet. She has starred in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Short Term 12, Room, Captain Marvel, Unicorn Store, Avengers: Endgame and many more. She won Best Actress in the Academy Award in 2015. She is a feminist which people hate her for because being a feminist is worse than being Hitler and they can't stand her for having a different political opinion. She has also been hated for asking for more diversity in film critics. Haters have taken this as an attack on white men because a statement that was taken out of context. They also hate her for having a flat ass.
Brie Larson won an Oscar
by HyperNova May 25, 2019
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one who, that which, loves to give enemas
My wife, she's a real brie quinn.
by jewlord March 22, 2005
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an amazing actress and person who deserves the world and is all you should care about
Friend: How was your weekend?

Me: Brie Larson posted two photos on instagram and I’ve never been better!
by kaojiuma September 2, 2018
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“you see that duo over there ?” that’s a mykayla and brie duo…funniest people out there”
by marxella29 January 16, 2022
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the most amazing girl in the world. She helps people through every problem imaginable and is so adorable in every way. She is the better than perfect and so easy love....Love you princess
she is amazing

Ikr, brie thatcher is the best person I could've ever met
by Anonymous127389 January 22, 2018
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a person with good looks and one hell of a ass
wow brie hayes has a really nice ass and the looks man
by Fat cock in the ass0 69 June 21, 2017
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Brie Mode is when you've taken the initial shit you were going to take that was peeking out ready for launch, and you're trying to flush out hidden reserves before you finally decide to wipe.
Sorry I took long to call you back, I was in brie mode for quite some time in the shitter.
by dc857 April 21, 2015
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