3 definitions by HyperNova

An actress that is hated by a vocal minority on the internet. She has starred in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Short Term 12, Room, Captain Marvel, Unicorn Store, Avengers: Endgame and many more. She won Best Actress in the Academy Award in 2015. She is a feminist which people hate her for because being a feminist is worse than being Hitler and they can't stand her for having a different political opinion. She has also been hated for asking for more diversity in film critics. Haters have taken this as an attack on white men because a statement that was taken out of context. They also hate her for having a flat ass.
Brie Larson won an Oscar
by HyperNova May 25, 2019
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Karl's joined the mofo gang now, his new girlfriend has a five-year-old.
by HyperNova August 5, 2005
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Someone in your group of friends that you all pick on. Kind of like Meg from Family Guy.
1.) David: Noah won't give me his damn CS: GO trading card, no matter how hard I try.

Alex: What a pussy bitch cake.

2.) *sees Noah walking by in the halls*

David: What's up, pussy bitch cake
by HyperNova March 1, 2015
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