Something that happens to you. It causes you to do almost anything, just to be doing something. Sometimes even homework.

But most of the time you end up sitting at the computer and staring at your desktop or watching the tv even though there is nothing good on or yelling at your younger brother for being an idiot. (which he always just never bother telling him)
I am so freaking bored. Man, boredom sucks.
by C3ll0 September 5, 2005
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A side effect of not playing an MMORPG.
I used to raid 30 hours a week on World of Warcraft. Now that I have quit the game and redeemed what was left of my shattered social life, how am I supposed to fill up the time that Warcraft took up? Absolute boredom.
by Lord Razzola December 1, 2009
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Boredom-noun associated with the feeling you get just before you start complaining you have nothing better to do, obsess to friends about the girl you like, go listen to crappy music like MCR, start crying and become a little emo fag.

Boredom affects all humans to a greater or lesser effect. At least once a day.
Boredom is curable by watching south park, playing video games, and pulling pranks on people.
Warning: This may result in becoming antisectarianist, a nerd, and a punk respectively.

Boredom may be temporarily diverted by trawling through UD.
See below.
RogueSpearzors says:
I've got that feeling again...boredom I think its called..

Mike AKA Jawastriker says:
Go on and research your condition
by RogueSpearzors September 24, 2007
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boredom meen's that there is sooo nothing to do and you cant find anything to do so you go on the urban dictionary looking up stuped things like poo and other random crap otherwise you wouldent be reading this
by LEMONS ARE SOUR August 24, 2008
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How you were created.
Your daddy put his pee-pee in your mommy's hoo-ha that night when there was nothing else on TV.

Boredom is what George W. Bush had right before he started the war.
by He She It May 26, 2007
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When you start making up definitions for random shit on Urbandictionary because you have nothing better to do.
This should b the top definition of boredom
by Fudgernickles October 13, 2015
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when you're so bored you fool around on urban dictionary and end up reading this
i will not use it in a sentence because that's what capitalism wants me to do

fuck it won't let me publish unless i say boredom
by poiface32 August 6, 2019
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