A German director, producer and screenwriter who is often said to be the worst director ever. That couldn't be further from true, Uwe is actually quite good, at least better than mainstream assholes like Friedberg and Seltzer. Most of the people who bash him do it because that's "cool" and have never even seen any of his movies. Or they bitch about how he ruined all those awesome games by converting them to crappy movies. But actually his movies are better than the games they come from, by watching the movies at least you can laugh at them, because they are not to be taken too seriously. After all, they are financed by Nazi gold.

Uwe is also upright, he knows that his movies are not successful and he makes jokes about them, unlike many directors who think they were chosen by God or something to make movies which actually suck ass.

And the last time I checked bashers made that stupid petition to stop him, but it didn't work. So much about them. And we knows what he does to the critics in the boxing ring.
guy1:OMFG Uwe Boll sucks ass dude!
guy2: Did you see any of his movies?
guy1:like...no. But he totally sucks lol
guy2: stfu please dumb fuck

guy1: oh no Uwe made another game to movie adaptation! They are total shit!
guy2: Did you actually play any of these games before watching the movies?
guy1: ...No. But they still like totally suck and stuff. Everybody says so.
by smokeG August 8, 2008
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Bolles is the gamer food of Norwegians, Sanin Kanin likes his Bolles and is the Bolles God
Sanins Mor made some bolles, sanin eats them while playing Fall Guys.
Then its Sanin sine Bolles
by Siggen Piggen August 19, 2020
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1. Full Boll Weevil

Losing control of all bodily functions while still remaining conscious as a result of heavy drinking, resulting in puking, pissing, and shitting yourself at the exact same moment in time, but not being able to do anything about it.
"Sheesh, what the hell’s up with Doc? He’s flat on the ground, face-up, and smiling out there in the cold!"
"Oh, man, he just did the Full Boll Weevil after drinking too many Cuba Libres and smoking too much KB."
"Poor SOB needs a shower and a complete change of clothes!"
by The Evil Boll Weevil April 25, 2007
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"Ta en bolle" is a Norwegian express. When people are going crazy in chat's, forum's etc. Some people may try to calm people down with this.
fanboi1 - "Ååh fy faen sjekk den ps3'en der eier 360'n a!"
fanboi2 - "Åhh stekk te hælvette da, 360 eier alt da
fanboi1 - "stikk a styggen, ps3 eier deg ihvertfall
fanboi2 - "Ikke tru at du kjenner meg a! mordi!
RealNicePersonWithABrain - "Ta en bolle a, også roer vi også ned"
by overwatcher November 3, 2009
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n., a noticeable bulge in the front of a man's pants, comprised of the penis, testicles, or both, that causes onlookers of both sexes extreme discomfort, especially in a public setting
Man, that guy's bollinger was all the talk of the courtroom spectators.
by Gary Stuckenschneider July 15, 2006
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When someone twists the truth and reinvents history, with the sole aim of boosting the credibility of the speaker. The act is only done by people who have f****d-up badly, and are striving to save face.
That vile cow Deborah just Bollingered me again. I hope she rots in hell.
by bendybits March 27, 2009
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To invite-and-insult your guest. To go Bollinger or pull a Bollinger is to do what Columbia President Lee Bollinger did when introducing Iranian President Ahmedinejad. Bollinger shed any trace scholarly integrity and went on an emotional tirade, denouncing the democratically elected Ahmedinejad as a "petty and cruel dictator."
With all due respect, Mr. President, I can handle my own introduction if you plan to go Bollinger on me.
by El Oaxuco September 26, 2007
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