When you don't have to go to work/school because of a blizzard, and you are rewarded with a blowjob!
I was pumped I didn't have to go to work because of the snow...and I got awesome head. I got the old snowy blowy and created a little blizzard in her mouth!
by The legend! March 8, 2018
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While receiving a blow job on a bed, couch, or the floor...the act of taking a knee to the testicles right before ejacultion.

A failed blow job.

Worst feeling imaginable.
"So my girlfriend was giving me head, and as I'm about to cum she adjusts herself on the bed, and accidentally kneed me in my balls...terrible blowie fail"

"All of my girlfriends friends were laughing at me because she told them about the blowie fail".
by Olde English September 30, 2009
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The act of blowing somebody and making them go "wow".
Bro I just gave Sid the Blowy woey.
No way bro.
by ThermicBryxn March 25, 2022
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A double blowie is a blowjob that occurs immediately after an ejaculation from a 1st blowjob. In other words, a guy gets head, he cums, his partner gets him hard again, head is given again and a guy cums again.
You need to be a very skilled woman to get away with a double blowie. Let alone the super human powers to perform a triple blowie (which to date has never been accomplished).
by Tigerboy0829 July 22, 2011
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When you wear David Bowie inspired makeup to give a blowjob and your makeup ends up running down your face.
“Wow, why does your makeup look like that?”

“Girl, I gave him a David Blowie!”
by _whorewell_ June 19, 2018
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Guy 1: "Where is Nick?"

Guy 2: "He met some guy and took him to the restroom for a bathroom blowie."
by FunWithGolfers April 22, 2019
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A blow job that is just enough to get your dick wet.
You're walking down S. Cherry St. and you see a trashy-looking woman calling out, "Quarter blowie, get ya dick wet!"
by NinjaChik May 22, 2010
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