Man, don't do it, it's not worth it to risk it. Not over this shit, drop the biscuit.
by good face for radio November 30, 2005
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Phrase coined by Amy C. Ralston and John P. Ralston playing Wiff'n'Proof ca 1978. Amy was 4 years old. The result of not guessing a pattern was declared "no biscuit" by Amy. Biscuits were not involved, but "no biscuit" was more fun than saying "no peg".
"I guess red".
"No biscuit".
by John P. Ralston August 20, 2003
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Biscuits; v: To have a propensity of ab-flab, commonly exacerbated by overly tight jeans and a shirt showing too much midriff. The rolls at the waistline resemble a gooey profusion of dough from a tube of Pilsbury biscuits prior to baking.
Even an admiral would be unable to bring that into port. She's mad biscuits!
by Josh May 7, 2005
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Sorry, I can't hang out tonight. I have to watch the biscuits.
by CArocks August 11, 2012
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An amazing girl who is such without even having to try. Once she comes into your life everything changes mostly for the better. A girl who loves to spoon. Once you've fallen for her it'll kill you not to. You only want to be by her side and for good reason ;). An amazing conversationalist and one of the overall coolest people you'll ever meet. she is very sexy and reminds high people of food. Get yourself a Biscuit, or you can get her a cupcake.
Guy 1: man your girlfreind is so cute, she's gotta be a biscuit.

Guy 2: your so high , but yeah she is.
by Murcielago3525 (Cupcake) June 22, 2009
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The region of your body located on your upper back undeneath your shoulder blades. Also known as back titties.
I just grabbed your biscuits!
My god, you have rather large biscuits!
by johntrau February 4, 2009
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A game where a couple of guys get in a circle and do a little wackage of the package on a biscuit and the last one to splurge on it has to eat it.
Mcnasty pervs play this game. Yes, homo's play Biscuit.
by kongos with the bongos December 5, 2009
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