A nickname for Isabella or Isabelle.

Commonly heard of from people who read Twilight, for Bella Swan is the main character.

A name for a caring, awesome, incredible girl that understand you and is like your exact copy.
Ex. 1: Bree: "Hi Isabella!"
Isabella: "Call me Bella."

Ex. 2: Girl: "Bella is so lucky to have Edward Cullen!"

Ex. 3: Girl 1: "Justine is so awesome!"
Girl 2: "Yeah shes such a Bella."
by LYLASBella April 12, 2009
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Bella is a tough girl that always stands up for her friends, she is really sweet and very caring she is a really big sweetheart and is always there for her friends and family.
by Lillanne March 2, 2017
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1. Italian for "beautiful".
2. Informal greeting born in Italy in the early 90s among young people. Rapper Yared, inventor of "bolo slang", claims that bella is a term of him and his crew's.
-"oh bella zio!"
-"bella pe' te!" (b. for you)
by Looka January 20, 2011
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Meaning beautiful,in italian.
The main character of Twilight.
or the scene kid bella.
Bella and edward.
Tu es bella
by _rawrrrforever May 22, 2009
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When you pull a Bella, you repeatedly get bruises every single day. Often caused by fencing with extreme passion and/or anger.
Person 1: Whoa! What happened to your legs?
Person 2: Oh, don't worry. I was fencing yesterday. It happens.
Person 1: Nice job; you pulled a Bella.
by N@y February 11, 2012
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She aight
Yo Bella you aight
by suckmytrash November 7, 2018
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See that girl


She's Bella aint she

by AC December 24, 2003
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