meaning something is bad or isn’t working out right
person 1: “bro this food nasty

person 2: “Ong this food aint hittin”
by itsgivingbozo March 4, 2022
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A common phrase used by black people in the ghetto. (this is not)
gangsta':YO! Dis' aint' money! dis's fok'n Monopoly money!
YO! Cap dat' bitch's ass wit' da' foty-two cal!


mom: Are you playing those video games again?!

me: No, I'm watching National Geographic

mom: Oh. Okay.
by Mike_Litoris July 20, 2011
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Yung $aint is a souncloud rapper and he is the next up and coming.He has some banging tracks such as POP A MOLLY and VILLAIN.His beats are unreal and he spits like a king or more like a saint ;) He is also on lean 24/7.
So much codeine he can barley speak
"Hey have your heard YUNG $aint He is going to go viral!!!"
by RASCAL_01 November 28, 2017
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a comment describing something as "sucking" or being bad
Zac: yo i gotta vagina and a dick dude

Grant: aint that a bitch
by G Will November 22, 2004
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Not something The Great One would do or condone.

similar to That Shit Aint Gretzky
guy 1: Fuck, someone just owned me on Gears of War 2.
guy 2: That Aint Gretzky, Dude.
by xGabex February 20, 2009
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an expression used in rural parts of the south..mostly mountain folk and hillbillies. This expression means the product is a piece of shit or not worth a hill of beans. not to be confused with "no count" which can be used by most southerners with bad grammer and low self-esteem.
jim bob cooter - "I got this here phone the other day and it aint no count!"
salesman - "uuuhhhh is there something wrong with phone sir??"
jim bob cooter - " this here phone aint no count."
salesman - " so there is something wrong with it."
jim bob cooter - "im tryin to tell you it aint no count!!"
salesman - "????"
by Arich August 16, 2006
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When someone says something weird, or funny, or nasty u have to say that aint healthy cuz u don't wanna be rude and u got to tell them it ain't healthy
Fred: imma eat u real hard
Ned: umm, that aint healthy
by Noplzno April 26, 2017
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