The term "rambo" is used commonly to describe a person who is reckless, disregards orders, uses violence to solve all problems, exceptionally tough and aggressive
yo you see son over there he a rambo for real
by newyorkcityroyalty January 8, 2013
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nothing can beat him, so strong that he can rip someones head off
you better watch out here comes rambo!
by coco8329893082098 May 14, 2011
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A guy who simply does not give a f u c k.
by Jackie bob January 31, 2021
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1. When you eat out a girl viciously as she is having her period, and blood splatters all over your face looking like facepaint, hence looking like Rambo. I know. Disgusting.

2. A classic movie starring Sylvester Stallone.

1. Pete: Dude, I ate out my grilfriend last night... man it was intense.
Mike: Why was it intense?
Pete: I gave her a fuckin Rambo!
Mike: You sicko!

2. Tom: Hey, whats that movie with Sylvester Stallone, where kicks everyones ass?
Phil: You mean Rambo?
Tom: That's it!
by papacut February 2, 2007
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The sudden uncalled for rise of the male pee pee place at any given time or place... when not wanted.
Its best used as a code word when trying to tell someone you don't want to get up because you have a RAndoM BOner
hence RAMBO
1."Dude, can you put my book back on the shelf? I have a RAMBO."
2."I totally got a RAMBO when we ordered that pizza."
3."Dude, I got a RAMBO during my job interview, I was afraid to get up and leave."
by Nice_Guy_123 June 27, 2007
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1 - Rambo is a Tuskan warrior that can destroy an entire planet just using a blade of grass. He was created in the year 2000 in Germany by a couple of people named Cheskvok and Rudo.

2 - To beat the hell out of defenseless marcupials.
1 - I ,Rambo, do not need to eat ever again cause I was created by germans.

2 - come back here you defenseless koala..I'm gonna go Rambo on your ass.
by Kadaken January 10, 2005
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