Based off of the character Webby from Ducktales (2017).

Defined as stimming aggressively and/or squeaking loudly in excitement. Usually done by an autistic person.
My favourite show got a new season!! I'm totally webbying out rn!
by DellaDuck March 26, 2023
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Famous for hit "Give Me That Pussy." Next to Mike Jones he is the only person with a popular video that is of uncut quality.
I would never give pussy to Lil Webbie
by _lovely August 13, 2005
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An extremly ill yet extremly white rapper who raps about the following :

Getting Drunk
marry jane
How "nice" he is
more sex and weed
and 1 song about a crazy girlfreind who gave great sex.
guy # 1 "yo you know dat extremly ill rapper chris webby"

Guy # 2 "no never herd of him, he must not be sighned"

Guy # 1 "he isnt, he only raps about sex and weed'

Guy # 2 " sounds like every white boy from CT must have them on their ipods!"
by Boarderlinechriswebbyfan1 June 21, 2010
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An intangible and very often falsified level of morale or personal greatness often paired with overwhelming pretense and an undeserved sense of self-worth. Usually referred to in the form of a question when the inquirer feels as though he is an state of possessing "dat webbie" and thus recognizes the opportunity for developing a stronger communal bond with his companions by verifying their possession of "dat webbie" as well. Concrete definition is impossible, as it takes on many forms of personal victories, possessions, and the like, et. al.
A cohort arrives at the clambake, most likely with some mead for passing and perhaps weakening the scruples of present females, and in an effort to confirm the good humor of his compatriots, shouts the traditional call: "You Got Dat Webbie?" When he is met with general agreement, the subject knows he did not mix up the invitations and accidentally attend the funeral reception of a close friend whose name he can't presently remember, but it'll come to him.
by The Brady January 17, 2007
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webby deluxe - a webby special where after 48 hours you realise that you tried it on/pulled a work colleague or design directors wife/girlfriend, called her a slag then tried to fight him and/or everyone around you.
"It was Thursday morning and my Webby Special turned into a full blown Webby Deluxe"
by Paul.J.C February 13, 2008
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Everything Tom Macdonald wants to be, a white rapper with a unique look who has good political takes.
"Bro rap is pretty good, there's this one rapper I like who has some good political takes."

"Tom Macdonald"

"Oh hell no, I'm talking about Chris Webby
by RandomRubbishRick November 19, 2022
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1. a smoking hot asian girl
2. a smoking hot asian girl you would go crazy for
3. a smoking hot asian girl you need to be with
4. a smoking hot asian girl you need to talk to every night
5. a smoking hot asian girl that you cant take your eyes off of
6. gare da rares lover :)
1. oh snap! that girl is totally a debbie webbie!
2. look at that debbie webbie!
3. could you come over and be my debbie webbie?
4. whos gare da rares lover? DEBBIE WEBBIE!
by Gare da Rare August 11, 2010
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