Another way to say someone gives "head"
"i heared that chick gives some nice wobbles"
by Ami March 4, 2003
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awsome or cool. similiar to the words dirty and dangle
tom threw down a 360 dunk and bill exclaimed "that was frickin wobbly"
by wobbles1225 March 19, 2008
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A Word often used to describe a person acting dumb or stupid aroung other people and makes a complete fool of himself when they make a lame comment that makes them look very blonde and/or stupid!
1. why is he acting so stupid it's just like a Wobbly

2. He's been acting like a Wobbly since he was Dropped on his head!
by babyy434mamm21a May 12, 2009
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Main Entry:

also wab·bling \ˈwä-bəling\


Inflected Form(s):
wob·bled also wab·bled; wob·ble also wab·ble \-b(ə-)liŋ\

The pre-actions before one is about to cry
The irregular rocking or staggering motions by ones lips before they cry
—"Man!, please get your wobbling ass away from me. The Color Purple was good but, come on!"
by bilaljoy May 27, 2007
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Yo we got free champagne and ya boy was feeling wobbly
by I love Caterpillars December 20, 2014
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