"Bright Guardian Akira is the definition of virgin ECKS DEE😂😂😂😂😏 epic roast noob"
by LILPROFORTNITEMASTER01 November 6, 2018
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Someone who plays fortnite

Or wastes their life on a game
Don’t be like them virgins and waste your life on games like fortnite
by 803master November 7, 2018
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Virgin: Fortnite is better than PUBG!
Dude: But at least their playerbase ain't virgins, unlike yours.
Virgin: Hey! That's not fair!
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*john posts fortnite win on Snapchat* everyone who sees it: wow we have ourselves a virgin
by Fat boy sse May 8, 2018
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Yep, the virgin over at Twitch decided not to ban the titty streamer again for throwing the cat.
by PogU Clap July 26, 2019
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1. A mark of innocence, purity, and beauty.

2. A mark of disgrace (See stigma) that is regarded as a symbol of immaturity and/or lack of ability.
1. Amy will be a virgin until she finds that "Special Someone" to give it away to.

2a. Matt is still a virgin as he is only 12 years old.

2b. Dave rather spend time playing video games, watching anime, or doing school work. He rarely shows any sexual interest and is still a virgin.
by Kralkingx February 20, 2012
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