A man with long hair, he contains a laser which he uses to save people from destruction. He also travels through time in a little green box.
Woa did you see Ube? He just flew over and payed for my bus ride!
by Ube Leopoldo April 30, 2008
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Ultimate Bonding Experience

(with friends you haven't seen for a long time. it usually lasts for one whole day or a weekend getaway.)
we went to las vegas and it was our best ube ever!
by popopopopo July 5, 2007
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the art of signing on to a parental chat board originally aimed at upscale urban mommies and engaging in chat arguments with middle american trailer trash over spanking children and Hezzbollah.

pronouniation: you - bee - ing
I've been ubing for three hours everyday and my personal trainer blames this on my five pound weight gain!
by Biffy Law August 14, 2006
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Mot d'argot pour désigner un Uber.
- French slang for Uber.
Emma: "J'ai pas la foi de marcher, j'vais commander un ubs."
- "No way I'm walking, I'm ordering an ubs"
by chasolunia July 1, 2019
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A very beautiful girl with so many talents very smart and funny very nice until you get on her bad side so stylish and beautiful eyes hard working when she wants something she gets it she follows her dreams. She can be your best friend of your worst enemy so stay on her good side. She is very good at dancing and she doesn't like to stand out because she is a little shy but when she does stand out the spot light is on her. She stands up for her self and is very sarcastic ub is someone you want be with a beautiful stylish amazing girl.
ub is fucking amazing and one say you will know that!!!!!
by Rockstar rabbit July 28, 2020
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ub 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤓🤓🤓🤓👽👽👽👽
by d m ub November 22, 2022
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1. a friend who always got yo back
down for life ... freakin it all the time

2. the condition of having a symbiotic relationship between a big momma and a childish figure
"ay yo girl, you my ubes"

"big momma's poppin, LIL UBESIE HERE"
by hams February 29, 2008
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