A Video clip circulating the internet that depicts two girls involved in a sex act. Initially looks like a typical piece of girl-on-girl porn until one girl shits in a cup. Both girls then eat from the cup and procede to puke on each other.
After I watched 'two girls one cup' I wanted to burn my eyes out with a candle
by Gene Bryant November 2, 2007
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When two piss drunk best friends need to puke, but there's only one toilet, and so little time.
"Dude, me and Tommy got so fucked up last night, that we did the old two dudes one toilet!"

Don't get drunk enough to have to do "Two Dudes One Toilet" with your best friend.
by Drunken Bastard June 21, 2021
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A video of two girls that shit in a cup and then eat until they are sick on eachother, and it makes tubgirl.com look like a fukin holiday to disney land
''I watched two girls one cup and I am now gay, with my dog, and we have half human half puppy puppies and still it aint half as sick as this video''
by JimC6 November 26, 2007
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the most disgusting shit ever
its a video showing a girl shitting in a cup and another bitch eats the shit up

its something that you know you shouldn't watch and yet you watch it anyway
and it will hunt u for ever!!
some guy watching two girls one cup:awwwwwwww fuckkkk wt the hell is thissss
same guy: why am i still watching this shit!!
can't believe i watched the whole thing
by lil-MoE January 29, 2009
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Typical best-friend pair of lonely, beautiful, but misunderstood girls rejected by society who live together and share a cat with a classically appealing name. Spend their evenings at home or in cheap bars drinking white zinfandel and remarking that it should be called pink zinfandel. Thin despite their scorn for exercise, well-dressed but socially inept, this pair is fun at parties but will not make out with you. Love froyo, the movie The Craft, and antiquing.
I saw two girls one cat buying out all of the lean cuisines at Kroger last Friday night.

Dude, two girls one cat won't stop talking about the Royal Wedding.

OMG, Watson is the luckiest cat in the world. And so handsome!
by carlosamelioandwatson April 27, 2011
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a girl sucks two guys dicks at once
Nick: how was it?

Chris: she has a big mouth she "two birds one stoned" me and my friend.
by the itty bitty tittie comity September 30, 2011
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A disgusting video following the same type of principle as "Two Girls One Cup". Involves two asians, nude, involved in sexual acts but at the same time making each other throw up on each other, eating it, etc. Also involves fecal matter being eaten.
"My girlfriend showed me two girls one finger, and I nearly threw up."
by Fox221 December 5, 2007
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