The innocent bystander friend/sidekick in the twisted math vocabulary romance system the addition, the subtraction, The equality..
I am the denominator, whereas Mandi is the equality.
by Heather (Ya Know) February 13, 2008
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When you're doing i-Ready math level D and you keep exiting to check your minutes.
Note that .3333 = 1 third and 0.5000 = 2 fourths
"That means, 12 is a common denominator for .3333 and .5000."
Me: "Omfg just shut up already..."
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The act of sticking your penis through a black hole (assuming you can withstand the black hole devouring you) and allowing whatever is on the other side to grease your mandingo, you then pull it out and smack a complete stranger in the face with the remnants, the person on the receiving end of the post interdimensional mandingo slap then has to wrap their fingers around the shaft of the mandingo (gently) and say "ooga booga" 3 times in 5 seconds. When the interdimensional grease denomination is done correctly the person pursuing it will nut 50 times.
Man 1: Hey man, have you tried Interdimensional grease denomination?
Man 2: Nah, you?
Man 1: Hell yeah man, never came so hard in my fucking life.
by cp25811 May 15, 2018
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