A queer man who practices Scientology and will, in fact, hide in your closet if you say his acting isn't the best. And he won't come out right away.
Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet.
by laureenoluv March 25, 2010
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A honkey who eats placenta, believes in Scientology, listens to trance, jumps on couches, is a Hollywood actor, likes art and architecture, plays soccer, drives a Hyundai, and is unathletic because he is white.
by J-Smoove May 23, 2006
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A combination of vacation and convention at sea aboard a luxury oceanliner where all of the on-board tourists are either Scientologists, closet homosexuals, or adoring fans of the actor with the same name.
Erick chose to attend the "How to Marry a Beard" symposium on the annual Tom Cruise and also signed up for other seminar topics such as "Discrediting Psychiatry", "Artificial Insemination for the Squeamish", "Kissing Nicole Kidman: Just Close Your Eyes and Think of Gomer Pyle", "Repeat After Me: This is Not a Cult. This is Not a Cult. This is Not a Cult.", and "Jerry McGuire: Sports Agent or Locker Room Meat Inspector?".

As the date of the annual Tom Cruise draws near, The Beckham's vibrate with excitement, as do assorted AC/DC types, and "Top Gun" freaks.

It's a fact: No citizen of Germany has ever sailed on a Tom Cruise.
by Buzz Writeyear January 26, 2008
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When you are excessively excited. This can be for anything - a new love, a movie premiere, marrying a woman who could be your granddaughter, a fake religion, etc.
"I want to take a nap before the concert, but I'm just too Tom Cruised for it."
by feralwinky February 5, 2010
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A crazy-ass mother fucker who would sue for any reason possible.
"Hey, is that fudge-packer Tom Cruise?" - Mr. Garrison

by Want a Pickle? April 16, 2010
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1. an actor who visited South Park and ended up getting stuck in a closet along with Sylvester Stalone, he refused to come out of the closet so the south park police were forced to come and try to get him out of the closet.

but going out of the closet was tough, since R.Kelly visited the scene and started singing "trapped in the closet" while pulling his handgun out...R.Kelly also is stuck in the closet

2. the same actor that was stuck in the closet who is held responsible for the disaster on film called Mission Impossible III
Officer Barbrady: Come out of the closet Tom Cruise!!

Tom Cruise: No....im not getting out of the closet
by tha truth teller October 4, 2006
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When one is driving their car and a great song come on and you sing it at the top of your lungs horribly. Like Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire when Tom Petty's 'Free Falling' comes on.
I hate it when I'm stuck in traffic with some chick the next car over Tom Cruising it to Fergie.
by wooism August 23, 2009
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