n- similar to the dirty sanchez. the thumper is when you take your thumb and stick it in a girl's butthole while doing her doggy style.
I gave her the thumper and pulled her hair, than i had to wash my hands.
by The Merman August 15, 2006
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To not say anything in response to someone's action or speech because you have nothing good to say; as in the Disney film "Bambi", when the character Thumper is scolded by his mother for saying something unflattering to Bambi.
"Hey, what did you think of my poem?"
Total silence.
"Aw, man, you're thumpering me!"


"What did the girls think of your dress?"
"They thumpered me."
by Blackbead February 4, 2010
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A Thumper is a very beautiful girl that deserves the best out of everything,she is the nicest person with a great sense of humor, she is a guppy
Did you see her yea She thumper.
by 2012matt2012 July 27, 2011
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One of a group of extreme, religious zealots. Referring to the tendency to thump ones bible in condemnation of others.
Yeah, he/she a bible thumper.
by Capt. Spastic April 15, 2011
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When a girl is giving a guy head and right before busting a nut, he strikes down violently on her forhead with his penis ( you earn extra points for giving her the flying thumper) you have to get on a chair and jump off of it, giving the thumper extra force.
Hey man this girl was doming me up the other day and she was using too much teeth! so I gave her the thumper man, I saw her wearing a neck brace the next day man.
by flying thumper June 11, 2011
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Your ass is getting THUMPPED!!!
A serious heartattack!!
A wake up!!!
Crazy PERSON!!!
Step the f*ck Back!!!
A ture friend with a big heart!
Bambie and thumper laying in the woods by the big oak tree.
by wildlife4mee June 21, 2006
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To find the fattest bitch you can and fuck the shit out of her
I got horny so i found this Thumper.
by B-razz November 21, 2006
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