someone who is embarrassing and is a complete fool who no one likes.
Look at Jim the ugly twat dancing to the YMCA, what a sherm!
by Jimmy Jonnelbean August 29, 2007
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angel dust (mint leaf soaked in fermaldahide), pcp
yo son that nigga buggin off tha sherm
by BostonHenny May 3, 2005
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over on the west coast sherm is a cigarette dipped in embalming fluid, sometimes also packed with weed and tobacco or keefe and tobacco. on the east coast sherm is a cigarette that is a mix of tobacco and weed or tobacco and keefe. basically the only difference is the substance it's dipped in.
"yo mang, pack me up a sherm"

"you got a sherm for 10?"
by fuckin'-yo-mama-right-now April 12, 2009
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v. 1. to fuck up a night, party, game of root, etc.
2. to accidentally exahale or cough while smoking marijuanaand (in the process) ruin the bowl pack.
n. small angry man with napoleonic disorder and prone to sherming (see above) pretty much anything and especially bowls.
Fucking Sherm you fucking shermed the bowl.
by Nai Ritos January 8, 2006
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When you don't know if the person is a male or female
Damn don't know what he or she is, it's a sherm
by Mena84 August 1, 2019
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One who is without intellect, often doing irrational things, without relying on their brians. which result in him or her being rideclued.
DUDE1: yo man did u see that fat trying to run down that steep hill on a skateboard?

DUDE2: yea, i lol'd, wat a sherm

by the kid from gwam July 11, 2008
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